The history of Raunds Bridge Club

Playing bridge for more than 50 years

Saxon HallRaunds Bridge Club started more than fifty years ago when a group of people went to evening classes at Raunds Manor School. The classes were run by Mr. Vic Ward and everyone was so enthusiastic they decided to form a bridge club.

Subsequently arrangements were made to meet once a week on a Thursday evening the venue at that time being St John's Ambulance rooms.

At the present moment in time we still have one original member at the club still playing, Steve Moore. I am grateful to Norma Davis for supplying me with the information on this page. (Norma was a founding member of Raunds Bridge Club and her claim to fame was that she played against Omar Sharif long ago. She sadly passed away on January 8th 2025).

Over the years we have had many members come and go due to age or having moved from/to thest johns area but have managed to carry on and now we play at the Saxon Hall on Friday afternoons from 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm. New members are very welcome.

Although we now play at the Saxon Hall in Raunds, (a picture of which can be seen above), we didn't always have it so good! Pictured right are the St Johns Ambulance rooms which were our original, (cold in winter), venue. It has now been demolished.

If you would like to join us please telephone either Barbara on 07941 331 729 or Tony on 07889 468 108 who will be pleased to hear from you.

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